Bed Bug Control In Indiana
Our Proven Bed Bug Treatment Process
The pest control experts at Termishield remain devoted to adopting and developing state-of-the-art strategies for eliminating pests as efficiently as possible. We have developed a specialized proprietary bed bug treatment method to service our customers.
While the national average failure rate for bed bug treatments is 25%, the team at Termishield has developed their own state-of-the-art bed bug treatment method boasting a 99.9% success rate. To ensure the highest level of satisfaction, Termishield also offers a four-month bed bug warranty from the date of your initial service.
At Termishield, our bed bug treatment follows a five-step process:
1. Comprehensive Inspection for Bed Bugs
One of our trained pest control specialists will conduct a thorough inspection of your home for any live bed bugs as well as for the evidence they leave behind. If the specialist detects bed bug activity, he or she will be able to explain their findings to you before helping you understand your treatment options and providing you a service proposal.
2. Preparing Your Home for Treatment
Prior to treatment date, the property owner or manager will need to prepare the property for treatment. Properly preparing your home for a bed bug treatment is critical in order to eliminate the problem completely.
3. Initial Bed Bug Treatment Implementation
Your technician will implement Termishield’s proprietary bed bug control treatment method, eliminating any eggs, nymphs, or adult bed bugs caught in the application area. Whether they’re in the bed, the furniture, or under the flooring, bed bugs have no escape.
4. Follow-Up Bed Bug Treatment
Two weeks after your initial treatment, a technician will return and perform an assessment and repeat treatment.
5. Final Bed Bug Treatment for Lasting Results
Two weeks after the second treatment, a technician will return again to perform a final treatment on your home. Congratulations, your bed bug problem is a thing of the past!
Contact Us for Reliable Bed Bug Control in Indiana

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